martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Another Brick in the Wall

Oh my, can it really have been so long? Must have been something bad that I did. Some rotten virus hit me as I opened a webpage that I visit often, and zap! down went my laptop with all the goodies stored on the hard disc with it. Fortuately I had my book on disc, well done! I hear you say, or so I thought................the final edit had not been copied onto disc, silly me. Sooooooo it´s been a time of re editing it once more, and now it´s complete again. The rst of the ideas and artwork has been lost, that will teach me a lesson..I promise in the future to keep copies of everything. "Teach your children well" Well its back to waiting time, what amazes me is it takes 3 months to open the first page and say NO, Oh well "Another Brick in the Wall" and on with the next. So if you continue to visit great and welcome, join me in another marathon of putting words together on paper, and the trials and tribulations of a writer.

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