jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

Flu Jab

It has been a grey day day on the auspicious words front, having had several non productive ,uninspired days caused by some extremely volatile and super contagious flu bug, that shows no signs of leaving. (I am beginning to think the "masked lady" at the hospital was not some paranoid excentric)

The demands of everyday life became a burdon, and all I wanted to do was rest and write, neither of which was possible at this time. It´s a grey day because it´s now day five and no reprieve, I close my eyes and I am lost in a grey fog, I open my eyes to a monochrome photo, distorted by a fish eye lens. Ah! but tomorrow is another day and hopefully tinges of rose will brighten the day, as this bionic bug subsides a little. So much for having had the flu jab again this year. But I am not alone, for sure there´s many others out there suffering the same. Sniff.

Anyone seen "House"?

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

Where was Dr House?

There I was on Tuesday sitting in the accident and emergency waiting area. Not for me I hasten to add, I have had more than my fair share of hospital, but this time I was accompanying a friend, who had been whisked off for some tests.Interesting places hospital waiting areas, everyone eyeing each with suspicion. Here I hear you ask what can be so interesting? well it´s interesting if you write and there is always the possibility that something or someone will inspire you. Looking for characters, well take your pick and invent a history behind each one. Not only does it pass the time but you might get something useful to use in whatever your writing. Me I keep all character ideas in a note book.
In the space of 90 minutes I had met an old aquaintance, a gay man that sadly had had the**** kicked out of him,he sat with 3 broken ribs,a broken shoulder and a face so swollen I hadn´t recognised him at first.
I watched as a lady sat down and fished in her bag for a mask, she looked around then put it on?
Three men of the same nationality, but unknown to each other sat with arms in slings, this made me think?? My partner calls me nosy but I just think I am inquisitive. Each person that interested me I wrote about in my notebook ready to be expanded into a character.
Please note here, I am not making fun about anyone, and when I considered my friend I was and still remain horrified.
For sure the character of Dr House was taken from someones experience in a hospital or whatever.
All I am saying is that in everywalk of life is a story waiting to be told