lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Shakespeare in love

Here I stand head in my hands, turn my face to the wall.....It has been a long time, distance created by vacations, The death of someone close and just a combination. Well shall I tell you, and yes we all expect it, but no word from the publishers...but then we all know unless your Princess Fergie, or someone super famous like David Beckham, it is very difficult to get a publisher to look at your work. Nearly all are "No unsolicited manuscripts!" they will be binned immediately and if we accept unsolicited manuscripts, they will also be binned immediately.

The truth of the matter is, that it is very difficult to get published, but hang in there.

I have already started my next book, in a different theme to the other, but I quite like the era it is set in,,and although I have only planned the chapters and characters, and have half written the first chapter at this moment, I am enjoying it, the last one became hard work in the end, and I do not wish to slave over this one...if it becomes unenjoyable writing it then shelve it. We have to feel like shakespeare in love.....with our words

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