martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Here comes the sun

Well Thats it, finished and ready for enriching the life of the mailmen that will be delivered my brown, unsolicited envelopes to a variety of publishers. Probably first stop is the bin, sad and unopened waiting to burst all over the desk, of he who says It has been quite a remarkable few weeks, as I knuckled down to finally complete this manuscript, in between being plagued by terrible headaches that woke me aat night, like knives searing through my head. So I got very tired but carried on with the manuscript. I was irritable and finally ended up in emergencies being scanned for a tumor, thank god there wasn´t one, but its been a series of investigations including mri with liquid pumped into my brain in search of a clot...Thank you god all clear. So the headaches continue and i continued to finish the manuscript, my mind relieved that what ever it is, cant be too serious. Next project....I will tell you on my next post. Thankyou for reading.

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