domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2007

Years End

Another year passes, and it must have been the most unproductive year for me, but in the last days I have started to get order with my papers. My promise for next year is WRITE. Easier said than done but I have to make myself productive, and try to do one thing at a time, and only wonder when I have a mental block, as a distraction. My aim is to commit myself to a certain amount of hours, uninterupted, and finally pull all these papers together, and end up with one finished piece instead of 12 unfinished pieces. we all have resolutions whats your and are you going to be able to keep it???
Oh and a very happy New Year to anyone who visits my blog and those who don´t

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2007

Lost for Words

Many things in many days and I confess that my thoughts are all over the place. Spontanious ideas block my concentration. Maybe its the time of year, everyone is Christmas crazy,stockpiling like the world is ending, if it does dont worry there´s sure to be a couple of Barbies,a selection of chocolate and rubber bones, and a turkey in a christmas tree.

My writing these days has slowed down, 1. because I was under pressure to complete two paintings for this season and 2. it seems as if the world and his wife have decided to drop by. where these people are the rest of the year I´m not sure. I have glanced lovingly at my computer just waiting to record my thoughts, and I have promised myself to become a little more unsociable to get myself back on track. So the next post will tell.

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

Time for words

I think I have to give a little more here. I have always wrote stories and many other things, and I have always painted, but these days more profuse. Almost like a need to empty everything that enters my mind. I have more time these days....I suppose I should explain 3 years ago I became ill, some of my bones started to die and I suffered terrible pain, I think my way of coping was through creativity, but there was a kind of panic in the back of my mind that I would never have sufficient time to write all the things I wanted to.
Nowdays I am more objective about things, I record what I feel, what I see, what I dream, what I think and most important the ideas that come into my head that may one day may flourish into something a little more permanent. I write daily and now you know a little more about the person behind this blog.
Writing is my window on the world

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007

A little organisation,is whats needed!

Today We had rain, not much but some, watching from the terrace as it fell lightly, inspired me to begin to organise all the papers. I managed to throw some thoughts away, whilst other random thoughts I place in a file. I felt at last I had achieved something, having placed the book all in one pile I saw immediately that I was not happy with some and revisions were needed. I hope it rains tomorrow, and the next day.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Sometimes it´s necessary to say NO!

I had promised myself 4 solid hours pulling together the book that I am working on at this moment. No TV, no music, only the babbling sound of the Buddah water fountain and the sweet smell of incense...Sounds good? Well it was, until the telephone rang some twenty minutes later.It was a friend who "was on her way to visit me!" without invitation.Why can´t I learn to say no, in fact why can´t I scream and shake my hands in the air and shout NO! I could, but I never seem able to.

On arrival and seeing the paper everywhere she uttered"oh, are you writing?" "Yes" I said throught gritted teeth. As she pulled a bottle of red wine out of her bag she promised not to stay long. My heart sunk, and I am sorry to say, I never got to write, clear my thoughts, make notes or anything I had promised myself to do. Seet FA.

So Dr House, whats your opinion on why I can´t say No?.

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2007

This is how it is!

Not a good start, but let me explain, I am a prolific writer, I always have a small notebook in my bag to record thoughts that enter my head. I have three novels sitting on the shelf, one finished, the other short of the ultimate chapters, but I lost the feeling for it was shelved!!the third was for children but its way too long and needs shortening and awaiting the completed illustrations. I have another on disc in progress, set in the late 60´s and one finished but needs editing on Spirituality..yep I know what your thinking evrything so different, but I am happy with the spiritual one.Where I write the floor, the shelves, the desk and the bin are full of scribbles. My computer is full of ramblings and illustrations, and i have loads of notebooks bursting with lines.

Most of all I have a heart full of words. ......but I need order!

My idea is that maybe using this blog to revise my progress and share my failings will help me to get order. So if anone reads this blog thanks for reading, and I value your comments

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2007


Here you will know me as Hope, for we all need hope in our life.
Here I will share with you the traumas of an aspiring writer