jueves, 31 de enero de 2008

English-Spanish- No comprendo

It´s done! complete! finished. well not completly. As I said my written spanish leaves a lot to be desired, and so its away with a friend for checking. I did not use the notes for a story that I had because I could not shorten it without losing the feel, so it will wait but I wrote another, the notes for which I had written in 20minutes, an idea that just came into my head. However I wrote it first in English, and on translating it to spanish it has lost something. Maybe I should give up writing in spanish??

domingo, 20 de enero de 2008


One of my disciplines is to annually enter a short story competition, do I hear you say easy??

Yes I like to enter because sometimes I enjoy writing shorter texts, but still find it hard to say all I want in the realms of six pages. So it is a discipline of meeting a deadline, keeping to the number of pages......and here´s where it gets difficult. Write it in Castillano (Spanish) and although I can speak the language, writing it is not so easy.

Typically I always leave it until the last weeks before settling down and writing, firstly in English then into Spanish, but some how it loses the flow, it does not come across the same. Maybe I should write it first in Spanish...difficult and impossible. So here we are two weeks to go, and I have started, Last year I entered a rather strange love story, but this year it going to be a spiritual story, the notes are already waiting. Time to go

lunes, 14 de enero de 2008

I surrender

Well, I am ashamed to say I spent nearly all weekend eating drinking and talking with people who are here on vacation, that I know but not really. Don´t get me wrong I enjoyed the company but my mind kept sweeping off in search of a laptop sitting lonely waiting for me to gently touch it´s keys. AAhhh, did I hear you say? or probably ouch! It´s very difficult to smile sweetly and nod for so many hours, when your mind is on another plane. I just hope it didn´t show too much.

viernes, 11 de enero de 2008


AAAAAH! I am finding it very hard to be unsociable. I have stopped going out to my regular bar with partner to watch Real Madrid. Now as more people arrive for hols and want to visit me it´s very difficult to say NO, I can´t I am busy. They think I can´t possibly be busy, but I live here and am not in holiday mode. Is it your illness they ask, NO it isn´t my illness this is with me forever and I try not to let it interfere in my life. I AM GENUINELY BUSY.I am writing , this is not seen as something to be busy with.

Anyway dear friends and family, I can give you some time but not all of it, understand my need to write and be patient. I love you all.

jueves, 3 de enero de 2008

Now another thing you should know about me is that I am a hat person, I like to wear them for writing and painting or even just generally. I have a selection, some for ideas and inspiration and others for re editing, or just looking for a theme for my next exhibition. My favourite is a small black velvet hat with a long tassle...this is my spiritual hat, and I have begun the year with this one, it helps me answers the whys? and wherefores?
The books are now divided into piles and only one remains on the desk, This I have decided I will finish by March ready for presentation....let´s see! here you will read of its progress or non progress...and its trials and tribulations of which I am sure there will be many