domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

So this is Christmas

Oh such promises, haven´t blogged here for a while , since last year actually! Why? Christmas got in the way - the work leading up to it and the work over it as the new year arrives....and still there is the day of the Kings to come, Jan 6, another christmas and more gifts. In Spain it carries on for 2 weeks! Do I sound like "Humbug", no it´s not meant to sound that way, I love Christmas, but the cosy family affairs, a fire burning in the grate. Freezing cold outside and everyone warm and happy inside. Small, inexpensive gifts that came with "a whole lot of love". I remember these times from when I was younger and lived in the UK. I haven´t spent a christmas with any of my family for many years, as everyone went their own ways including my parents.
Nowadays its too much money, too commercial and too much stress, I am sure Our Lord would not have wished that. Then what follows is madness ....the sales...and the time to return unwanted gifts. A beautiful gift was given back to me over the table as we finished our meal........I wont wear this! you may as well have it back! A little shocked was I for it was not an ill fitting shirt, nor a fluoresent jumper, but a beautiful hand made silver bracelet chain from Bali. I might add that this person was the boyfriend of someone at the table, who virtually choked on her food when he said this....The bracelet still sits on my table, boxed and unloved. this is what I mean about how christmas has become, and these people offer not a thought for those without.
For all who are alone, ill, sad, hungry or homeless, my wishes are that for you 2010 will be kind and bring you things that you need, and this New Year filled with new opportunities and the light of hope burning in your heart.
For those more fortunate, that have spent a good Christmas and New year, avery Happy New Year and keep the light of hope burning in your hearts.
Finally, Yes I am still awaiting an answer from the publisher on my I am starting the New Year with hope in my heart too.
Happy New Year! Feliz Año Nuevo!