sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Paint it Black

The auspicious of the auspicious...now that is something to chew on. A friend recently visited, walked into my office and came out with that little gem of a phrase, quite what she meant by it I am not sure, but each to their own thought.
I have been absent, yes I know...and I have missed blogging here and wondering about who is actually reading this blog. Well the mind has been overflowing with ideas- non relating to the other I might add, but worth saving to disc for future use. I also completed a small book I started 3 years ago, a very simple little book, and I am not sure what to do with this either.
Plus the fact I am still fighting terrible headaches, that no-one seems to find the cause for.. WEll thats the reasons for absence,I should now continue to blog regulary once more.
No rejection slip as yet, but it is a little early...so I am remaining positive with that one at the publishers. But not over positive, we all know how difficult it is to get published.
Whats the idea of an ideas if you do not use them? Whatever you have in your mind, write it, save it...for one day you may use it!!